The reason we have chosen to sponsor SDI’s Women Direct campaign is our belief and experience that women in business and in life need to be more visible. We believe that supporting the opportunity for more female directors is a powerful way to make more women visible both behind the camera as well as on camera.
As a company, 50% of our directors are female and with a team of nearly equal female members, we have witnessed the benefits and impact women have in the business place. We also know from first hand experience how vital it is that we have more female leaders in business and as role models. To achieve this we need to capture and share those women’s experiences so that more women are inspired and have the confidence to follow in their footsteps.
By achieving 50:50 female directors, we can make women in all walks of life more visible, reaching new and larger audiences through the medium of film. As a marketing company we understand the power of video and film. That is why both believing in the purpose of the campaign and its benefits, it ties in perfectly with our own services including social media, video marketing and engaging marketing campaigns that create change in our society.
From a business perspective we see a lot of opportunities to be gained from sponsoring the campaign. These include PR opportunities, increasing our brand awareness and online presence while reinforcing our values as a brand. We also see networking opportunities and the chance to further build our network in the female business community.
Ruth McKay