The first edition of New Voices starts this week and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome a fantastic group of nine women filmmakers based in Scotland!

New Voices is a six-month mentoring and professional development programme for women and non-binary filmmakers based in Scotland, who aspire to become documentary directors and/or producers.

During the programme, they will participate in career coaching sessions with Viana Maya, founder and project lead at pRESPECT, they will have monthly meetings with their mentor and participate in business sessions designed to develop their knowledge of the documentary film industry.

They will also build a network of mutual support and collaboration, a legacy which we hope will continue beyond these six months, and include more and more women and non-binary filmmakers!

The selected participants are:

  • Beth Sabey
  • Charlotte Hailstone
  • Fatma Hegazy
  • Katrina Brown
  • Kiana Kalantar-Hormozi
  • Miranda Stern
  • Noor Abdel-Razik
  • Sanghita Sen
  • Siyao Li

The mentors are:

  • Aimara Reques
  • Amy Hardie
  • Elhum Shakerifar
  • Emma Davie
  • Lynn Nwokorie
  • Mary Bell
  • Sue Bourne
  • Uzma Mir-Young
  • Yasmin Fedda

Alongside the mentoring, the programme will include three industry sessions on ‘The difference between directors and producers’ with Sonja Henrici, ‘Film funding’ with Lynn Nwokorie and ‘Making documentaries for TV’ with Stewart Kyasmire and ‘Filmmaking for social media’ with Vanessa Kanbi. These sessions will be recorded and available to watch for free on the Scottish Documentary Institute website.

And we are extremely thankful to the following funders for enabling New Voices to happen

The Britford Bridge Trust             

Scottish Documentary Institute


WE GROW FILMS. Developing and inspiring the documentary scene in Scotland and beyond. 🖼insta: scottishdocinstitute