Can drive
own vehicle
Katrina's story:
Katrina uses her science and adventure experience to enliven and nuance stories of our complex connection to nature
Katrina is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and social scientist committed to exploring and furthering our connections with land and environment in a way that makes space for a diversity of voices.
She specialises in finding ways for audiences to connect to emotionally and scientifically challenging issues - such as mental health, women’s experiences of exclusion in outdoor recreation, and land use conflicts – and in filming in sensitive, responsible ways.
Her background in mountain biking has helped her innovate approaches to filming and doing science that better evoke a wide range of experiences of bodies, movement and sensation, human and nonhuman.
Over 20 years of experience in social research has fed her desire to push the boundaries of participatory and co-creative ways of filmmaking.
These skills allow Katrina to pursue her particular passion for making visible, and nuancing, experiences of bodies and ecologies that tend to be overlooked or misunderstood.
‘Eastbound’ (released March 2021): Co-Director (with Thomas Hogben, Mike Webster & Jenny Graham), Editor (50’49 mins)
'Eastbound' follows the incredible endurance cyclist Jenny Graham on her journey to break the Guinness round-the-world cycling record and to prove to herself that an ordinary mum from the Highlands can do something extraordinary.
- Selected for: Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival 2021, Gutsy Girls Adventure Film Tour 2021, Kendal Mountain Festival 2019
‘Adventures in Motherland (in edit, forthcoming spring 2021): Director, DoP, Editor
An anatomy of the crisis of identity, physical capacity, and expectations that can complicate an active woman’s transition to motherhood, and a candid exploration of the deep quandary of meeting a child’s needs when one’s previous sources of strength and sanity – in this case one’s own needs for motion, landscape and adventure - are no longer available.
‘Bespoked’ (release 24 August 2020): Director, DoP, Editor (14’45 mins) (2min taster:
A tender, inspiring glimpse into the ways that those with debilitating, isolating mental health challenges – many of whom have been unable to leave the house for a long time - can be helped to reconnect with the community through cycling.
‘Should’ (2019): Director, Editor (6’50 mins)
A group of teenage girls share their discovery of feeling their self-worth beyond feminine norms through discovering what their bodies can do, not just what they look like.
- Selected for: Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival 2020, Kendal Mountain Festival 2019, Fort William Mountain Festival 2019
‘Riding through the Dark’ (2018): Director, Editor (16’39 mins)
Highlights the heroism of ordinary people and the ordinariness of those we perceive as heroic, as they use cycling as a group to navigate periods of mental darkness.
- Award-winner at the Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival 2018
- People's Choice Winner at Fort William Mountain Festival 2018
- Selected for: Inverness Film Festival 2017, FICSAM International Festival of Cinema and Mental Health 2018, XpoNorth 2018, Aviemore Mountain Film Festival 2017, Edinburgh Bicycle Festival 2018, Berlin Feminist Film Week 2018.
‘Woman Up’ (2017): Director, DoP, Editor (3’16 mins)
A moving account of one woman’s courageous journey from confirmed ‘non-sporty girl’ paralysed by fears over body image to outdoor adventure-lover.
- Finalist in the 2017 Women’s Sport Trust #BeAGameChanger Awards; Selected for: Inverness Film Festival 2017, ExpoNorth 2017, Bicycle Film Festival New York 2018, Dundee Mountain Film Festival 2018, Fort William Mountain Festival 2018
‘Escape’ (2017): Editor (5’04 mins)
Sustrans commission to inspire people to explore the UK’s National Cycle Routes, showing Lee Craigie cycling the Caledonia Way and telling of how she grew from shy youngster to international athlete.
‘Grazing on the Edge’ (2016): Director, Editor (36 mins)
A collaborative film made with the people and animals of a Skye crofting community exploring how the pastoral use of common land in Scotland is under threat.
- Screened to policymakers and screened at the Scottish Parliament as evidence for a Cross-Party Committee
‘First Ascent’ (2014): Director, DoP, Editor (2 mins, 6 mins)
A celebration of the triumphant early moments of finding one’s powers in childhood as a two-year-old girl conquers her first ‘mountain’.
- Prize-winner in SHAFF/BMC Women in Adventure Film Competition 2015
- Selected for: Inverness Film Festival 2015, XpoNorth 2015, Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival 2015
- Screened to hundreds of policymakers and practitioners at the international EUROPARC Conference September 2018